- The Challenge of Oral Disease: a call for global action. The Oral Health Atlas 2nd Edition. Associate Editor
Peer-reviewed Publications
- FDI Vision 2020: shaping the future of oral health, Glick M, Monteiro da Silva O, Seeberger GK, Xu T, Puca G, Kess S, Eisele JL, Severin T, Int Dent J, 2012 62(6) 278-91
- Information Seeking and Online Learning Behaviours – a Global Study Among Respiratory Physicians, Severin T, Kurosinski P, Verbraecken J, Simonds A, Palange P, JECME 2012
- Healthcare workers and influenza vaccination: an ERS-ESCMID Web-based survey, Blasi F, Palange P, Rohde G, Severin T, Cornaglia G, Finch R., Clin Microbiol Infect. 2011 Aug;17(8):1223-5.
- Harmonising spirometry education with HERMES: training a new generation of qualified spirometry practitioners across Europe, Steenbruggen I, Mitchell S, Severin T, Palange P, Cooper BG; Spirometry HERMES Task Force, Eur Respir J. 2011 Mar;37(3):479-81.
- HERMES criteria for accreditation of European Training Centres: overcoming challenges of accreditation. Loddenkemper R, Séverin T, Mitchell S, Palange P; Adult HERMES Task Force., Eur Respir J. 2010 Dec;36(6):1239-41
- European Curriculum Recommendations for Training in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine: one step further, Gappa M, Noël JL, Séverin T, Paton JY; Paediatric HERMES Task Force, Eur Respir J. 2010 Sep;36(3):478-9
- Continuing medical education across Europe: the role of EBAP and the ERS in facing the challenges of life-long learning, Gaga M., Séverin T., Stevenson R., ERJ, 2010 The European Diploma in Adult Respiratory Medicine: a label of quality for adult respiratory medical specialists, J-L. Noël, T. Séverin, K.E. Bloch, Breathe 2010
- Paediatric HERMES: update of the European Training Syllabus for Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Gappa M., Paton J., Baraldi E., Bush A., Carlsen K-H., de Jongste J. C., Eber E., Fauroux B., McKenzie S., Noel J-L., Palange P., Pohunek P., Priftis K., Severin T., Wildhaber J. H., Zivkovic Z., Zach M., ERJ 2009
- Paediatric HERMES: a European Syllabus in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, M. Gappa, J-L. Noël, T. Séverin, E. Baraldi, A. Bush, K-H. Carlsen, J. de Jongste, E. Eber, B. Fauroux, S. McKenzie, P. Palange, P. Pohunek, K. Priftis, J. Wildhaber, Z. Zivkovic, M. Zach, J. Paton, Breathe 2009
- European curriculum recommendations for training in adult respiratory medicine: crossing boundaries with HERMES, Loddenkemper R., Severin T., Haslam P.L., ERJ 2008
- European Curriculum Recommendations for Training in Adult Respiratory Medicine, Loddenkemper, P.L. Haslam, T. Séverin, I. Annesi-Maesano, A. Chuchalin, C. Coles, G. Di Maria, C. Leroyer, P. Magyar, J-L. Noël, B. Nybo, G. Phillips, G. Riddell, R. Stevenson, G. Viegi, Zach, Breathe 2008
- HERMES: good reasons for harmonising education and training in respiratory medicine, Loddenkemper R., Severin T., Eisele J-L., Haslam P. L., ERJ 2006
- HERMES: a European Core Syllabus in Respiratory Medicine, R. Loddenkemper, T. Séverin, J-L. Eiselé, A. Chuchalin, C.F. Donner, G. Di Maria, P. Magyar, M. Muers, J-F. Muir, B. Nybo, G. Phillips, G. Riddell, R. Stevenson, M. Zach, P.L. Haslam, Breathe 2006
Reports / Abstracts / short communications
- La Filière « Diabaide » de prise en charge des patients diabétiques. Etat des lieux / propositions. J.Jortay, T.Séverin, Réseau Santé La Côte, 2013
- AMEE 2010: Council for European Specialist Medical Assessments (CESMA): Harmonising European assessments in medical specialties, Z Goldik1, JL Noel*2 & T Severin
- AMEE 2010: The HERMES (Harmonised Education in Respiratory Medicine for European Specialists) Initiative, J L Noel* & T Severin
- AMEE 2006: Future perspectives of European CME accreditation, T Séverin*, L Goncalves, J Ortoli, F T Black, P Schoch, A Bischof-Delaloye, M Milcinski and R Stevenson
News sur la cybersanté
- Claire-Anne Siegrist, HUG : A terme, le passage à un carnet de vaccination électronique est inéluctable
- Les pharmacies entrent dans l’ère de la télémédecine
- E-health : lancement d’une nouvelle application grand public
- Poken lance un nouveau produit dédié à l’événementiel médical
- IBM : Le super ordinateur Watson en passe de conquérir la médecine
- Simulation – L’Université de Genève participe au développement de «patients virtuels»